Offering Education, both 21st Century Science and Ancient Ayurveda, teamed with years of experienced Coaching -- a recipe that will Empower YOU to create and enjoy a healthy, active, abundant and resilient life!

10,000 may NOT be the "magic number" of steps per day! healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes mindful movement morning practice real food resilience stress-free Jan 15, 2022

Photo by Daniel Frank on Unsplash

Being physically active is one of the most important and powerful ways to maintain good health. You may have heard the health recommendation to get “10,000 steps per day.” 

New research shows that similar health benefits are seen when people get...

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Create Your Own "Blue Zone" for Longevity! healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes meditation mindful movement morning practice real food resilience sleep stress-free sugarfree Jan 08, 2022

Life “Hacks” of the Longest Lived People

Think living a long and healthy life well into your nineties or even one hundred years old is only for those lucky few who hit the genetic lottery? Think again.

Lifestyle factors, the things you do everyday over the long-term can add up to...

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10 Self-Care, Self-Love Gifts for You! healthy living meditation mindful movement morning practice phoenix rising yoga therapy resilience sleep stress-free Dec 24, 2021

We all know that the weeks leading up to the holidays can be hectic and full of stress as we try to do more than ever to make life wonderful for our family and friends.  But that can sure take a toll on our bodies and minds with all the rushing around trying to get it all done.

So whether or...

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Minding Your Brain: What can happen as we age, and how to avoid it healthy eating healthy living meditation mindful movement real food resilience sleep stress-free sugarfree Dec 13, 2021

As the Baby Boomers become Seniors, and as they (we!) feel our bodies and minds start to exhibit some of the feared characteristics of aging, more and more research and attention is being directed to the science of aging.

Many of the negative stereotypes and dogmatic beliefs about aging are...

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Mindfulness and Meditation...Do They Really Work? healthy living meditation mindful movement morning practice phoenix rising yoga therapy resilience sleep stress-free Dec 05, 2021

Mindfulness and meditation are health buzzwords these days.  It seems like everyone, even those who aren't health practitioners, is touting the amazing effects of being mindful and practicing meditation.

But just because it’s popular doesn’t mean you should do it … or does...

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We try to stay healthy as we age - what goes wrong? healthy eating healthy living healthy recipes meditation mindful movement real food resilience sleep stress-free Nov 28, 2021

I’ve been writing for a while now about topics and ideas that I’m passionate about, and they all basically boil down to the health of our bodies and minds.

  • How can we be healthy despite our modern lifestyles?
  • How can we be resilient?
  • What can we do to “turn back the clock on...
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Why we should all be lifting weights healthy living mindful movement resilience strength training Nov 06, 2021

Last week I headed back to the gym, for a CrossFit-style workout, for the first time in almost 2 years.

I loved it!  And wondered "What took me so long?"

While I have equipment and weights at home, I find that it’s not always easy to motivate myself, and let's face it - sometimes we...

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